
Lacoste Essential EDT Cologne (Minyak Wangi, 香水) for Cologne For Men by Lacoste [Online_Fragrance – 100% Authentic] 125ml

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We carry ONLY ORIGINAL fragrances in Malaysia and import from a legit source in the US. We bear all the import and taxation risks so that you can rest assured that your item is GENUINE and will arrive safely at your doorstep!

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Lacoste Essential EDT Cologne (Minyak Wangi, 香水) for Cologne For Men by Lacoste [Online_Fragrance – 100% Authentic]

DON’T FORGET to apply our “$20-OFF” VOUCHER For Purchases Above $150


We carry ONLY ORIGINAL fragrances in Malaysia and import from a legit source in the US. We bear all the import and taxation risks so that you can rest assured that your item is GENUINE and will arrive safely at your doorstep!

Due to fast moving stocks, we will inform you of any depleted items and try to compensate you accordingly should you have already purchased from us.

❗For any enquiry, WhatsApp or Call Us at 011-54039469

❗For product info, Visit Us at Online-Fragrance.my


Brief Review of Lacoste Essential EDT Cologne (Minyak Wangi, 香水) for Cologne For Men by Lacoste

Lacoste Essential EDT Cologne for Cologne For Men by Lacoste, Inspired by liberty as well as a lust permanently, Lacoste Essential by Lacoste is energised perfume for the free-spirited male. Its citrusy top notes include tomato leaves, tangerine and bergamot. These fragrances are compleCologne For Mented by woody base notes consisting of sandalwood and patchouli. One of one of the most excellent functions of this perfume is its time-release innovation, enabling the wearer to use it once per day without worrying about reapplication. Its light and also woody fragrance make it a rejuvenating option for spring or summer wear. This scent is packaged in a glass bottle featuring the brand’s renowned crocodile logo design.

Lacoste Essential EDT Cologne untuk Lelaki oleh Lacoste, Diinspirasikan oleh kebebasan serta nafsu secara kekal, Lacoste Essential oleh Lacoste ialah minyak wangi bertenaga untuk lelaki yang bersemangat bebas. Nota atas sitrusnya termasuk daun tomato, tangerine dan bergamot. Wangian ini dilengkapi dengan nota asas kayu yang terdiri daripada cendana dan nilam. Salah satu fungsi paling hebat minyak wangi ini ialah inovasi keluaran masa, membolehkan pemakai Cologne For Menggunakannya sekali sehari tanpa perlu risau tentang penggunaan semula. Harumannya yang ringan dan juga berkayu Cologne For Menjadikannya pilihan meremajakan untuk pakaian musim bunga atau musim panas. Bau ini dibungkus dalam botol kaca yang memaparkan reka bentuk logo buaya terkenal jenama itu.

Lacoste 的 Lacoste Essential EDT 男士香水,灵感来自自由和永久的欲望,Lacoste 的 Lacoste Essential 是为自由奔放的男性打造的充满活力的香水。它的柑橘前调包括番茄叶、橘子和佛手柑。这些香水辅以由檀香和广藿香组成的木质基调。这款香水最出色的功能之一是它的定时释放创新,使佩戴者每天使用一次而无需担心重新涂抹。其淡淡的木质香味使其成为春季或夏季穿着的振兴之选。这款香水采用玻璃瓶包装,饰有该品牌著名的鳄鱼标志设计。

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 7 cm


Manufactured by

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